torsdag 31. mai 2012
Me and Don
My own man is not home, so therefore I will spend it with another handsome man; Don Draper!
Taking advantage of hormones keeping me awaken when I am supposed to rest, maybe I will make it through a few chapters...
We started watching this serie last year, but I think I fell asleep half way through every episode...
Scones are in the owen...!
Lately I am into some kind of high-carb/high-fat-diet!. Loading energy for the big day to come:)
Kindergarden or Zoo?
Kindergarden looked more like a Zoo when I came to pick my kids today.
Leopards, lions, tigers, jungle jaguars etc, etc...
I had to think twice before entering...
Would I end up as an easy prey?
Luckily most animals had already been fed fruit and where not especially hungry for more.
Pretty nice artistic work right?
And its made by a man!
Domestic rollercoaster
We didnt have anything better to do, so we both jumped on the domestic rollercoaster!
Its incredible how many things you get to do...
You know, you start in one corner picking some toys, they bring you to the kids room, you realize its a bit too dusty there so you bring out the vaccumcleaner, then you start seeing dust EVERYWHERE, and why not vacuum the whole flat while you are already on the move.
And then you bring out the carpets for a good ventilation, and you think why not start a laundry when you are few footsteps away from the washing machine....
And it goes like that...
Quite fascinating in a way, because its not the most organized way, but you still get to do so much!
And the feeling is so nice afterwards! To sit down with a coffee and the newest Mamma-magazine in a nicesmelling house!
Its like the shower after exercise:)

I am reading about the "suburbrefugees"!
Those who believed that a life with kids had to be lived in the suburbs, but that longed back to the smell of asfalt, the noise from the tram, the possibility of buying themselves a coffee on the corner and bying vegetables from the foreing guy down the street.
It makes me wonder who I would feel... Am I the kind of girl to buy a big house in suburbia, with a garden, with neighbours in the same financial situation as myself, with the same values and speartime activities...
I am not so sure...
I appreciate diversity quite high.
BUT, in one month we will have the chance to live suburbian life at my parents house.
Then, I will be more able to tell how I feel about it.
As a kid, I really loved it...
Its incredible how many things you get to do...
You know, you start in one corner picking some toys, they bring you to the kids room, you realize its a bit too dusty there so you bring out the vaccumcleaner, then you start seeing dust EVERYWHERE, and why not vacuum the whole flat while you are already on the move.
And then you bring out the carpets for a good ventilation, and you think why not start a laundry when you are few footsteps away from the washing machine....
And it goes like that...
Quite fascinating in a way, because its not the most organized way, but you still get to do so much!
And the feeling is so nice afterwards! To sit down with a coffee and the newest Mamma-magazine in a nicesmelling house!
Its like the shower after exercise:)

I am reading about the "suburbrefugees"!
Those who believed that a life with kids had to be lived in the suburbs, but that longed back to the smell of asfalt, the noise from the tram, the possibility of buying themselves a coffee on the corner and bying vegetables from the foreing guy down the street.
It makes me wonder who I would feel... Am I the kind of girl to buy a big house in suburbia, with a garden, with neighbours in the same financial situation as myself, with the same values and speartime activities...
I am not so sure...
I appreciate diversity quite high.
BUT, in one month we will have the chance to live suburbian life at my parents house.
Then, I will be more able to tell how I feel about it.
As a kid, I really loved it...
onsdag 30. mai 2012
Ambition level: Upgraded
This is not propaganda
Maternity leave is a good thing in many ways.
It gives you time to study things that you normally wouldnt have the time for.
Like shampoos...
The other day in Meny I found this GreenPeople shampoo which is organic! Johoo!
It was on sale because no one obviously buys it...
We have used Babyline Shampoo for our kids so far, but now I see that they use sodium laureth sulfate (you have to be a chemist to know that it is a harsh, possibly skinirritating and cheap chemical) in this product. They also use water as a main ingredient and that makes you need bigger quantity to get the hair clean.
The GreenPeopleBasics shampoo contains of almost 100% ingredients from natural origin, and 77% from organic farming. And it is certified.
As it is based on aloe vera and not water it goes a lot further than normal shampoos and that justifies that is is a bit more expenisive.
Anyway, you might think that as your kid doesnt get rashes from normal shampoos, you go on using them.
But I believe that its good to support the ORGANIC farming as much as we can. It is the only sustainable farming we have.
Good for nature, good for you.
tirsdag 29. mai 2012
Yummie nightfood
(sorry for bad quality photos, but its so easy to make them with the computer and its funnier to post something WITH a photo than without...!)
Supergood eveningfood is homemade focaccia and homemade tapenade (I also add a few drops of lemonjuice).
Salty spread on fluffy bread:)
Mmm, I could eat a lot if it wasnt for someone occupying quite some space in my belly...
Chicken pox in the house...
The landlady stopped me in the door this morning informing about their oldest daughter having got the chicken pox...
NOT the best timing... But I do believe I had this as a little girl. And in Spain its pretty much the standard to vaccinate your kids for this normal disease...Both Marcus and Adrià are vaccinated.
So, I think we are out of risk, but anyway, for a newborn its not convenient to get infected.
We will stay out of contact for the next coming days and hopefully everything will be fine.
I was glad to wake up to a normal day today. That is kindergarden for kids, another workingday for Salva and a relaxing day for me.
My mental duedate was yesterday... One week before the real duedate. Well, it didnt happen, and Salva wants me to wait until next monday as he will have a period off work due to the expected delivery.
So, I said OK, monday it will be:)
mandag 28. mai 2012
Feeling much better:)
Ah, I am feeling so much better, luckily... Still having some stomachcramps, but much, mmuch better. We have been on the terasse all morning, and I enjoy that its not as warm as the former days.
I have to admit this soft round matressbed has been my good friend today... Spent quite some time here;)
Marcus likes to take photos...
...but also to dig around in the soil... Here trying to make a terrarium.
Here you see how you can make one yourself (he realized it was not the perfect day for it as the worms dig deep down in the soil when its so sunny...)
Adrià is exploring the tent with all the teddybears in it...
Marcus is "mowing" the lawn with a pair of scissors. "making a fotballpitch" he says. "and then the grass needs to be short".
This photo shows our pretty and neat terasse. Cant believe we were SO lucky to rent something like this 1 1/2 years ago...
Dont wanna move, dont wanna move...
Hmm, something going on?
My stomach is NOT right, I feel nauseaus, no apetite, no energy.
Either I am getting the stomachflue... or this is something related to delivering...
I felt supergreat before my former 2 deliveries. No physical sign. It just happende like that, breaking the water at 03:00... with both.
Unfortunately Salvador is working today as well, so I am letting my kids turn into tv-slaves for the occasion.
Sun is shining beautifully outside the window, we' ll head down to the garden i a bit.
Low abitionlevel for the day.
Thinking of the delivery I realize that I feel anxious.... It s like I dont wanna go through it.
Dont want to experience the pain. I will work on my attittude today, I did so well with Adrià, so I know I have the "force" within me to make it a positive experience.
I dont know, I guess certain days you just feel disillusioned...
My stomach is NOT right, I feel nauseaus, no apetite, no energy.
Either I am getting the stomachflue... or this is something related to delivering...
I felt supergreat before my former 2 deliveries. No physical sign. It just happende like that, breaking the water at 03:00... with both.
Unfortunately Salvador is working today as well, so I am letting my kids turn into tv-slaves for the occasion.
Sun is shining beautifully outside the window, we' ll head down to the garden i a bit.
Low abitionlevel for the day.
Thinking of the delivery I realize that I feel anxious.... It s like I dont wanna go through it.
Dont want to experience the pain. I will work on my attittude today, I did so well with Adrià, so I know I have the "force" within me to make it a positive experience.
I dont know, I guess certain days you just feel disillusioned...
søndag 27. mai 2012
Our trip to suburbia
We took bus, tram and another bus to get to my parents place in Suburbia...
2,5 hours to move 30km...
Better have a lot of patience...
Amazingly beautiful in the city.
Marcus and Adrià on the 3.rd and last part of the travel... Soon they will meet granny and they keep their mood up playing with a few new cars and an icecream in their bellies.
Its been a wonderful 24 hours stay with a lot of fun, making new friends, but also a quite abrupt end to it...
Marcus fell on slippery floor and we had to go straight to the emergency with a very swollen and totally blue little finger...
Ai, ai, ai... I get naucious just thinking about how deformed his finger looked for a while... My God. I seriously thought the bone would stick out.
So, after a few hours in the emergenct we did an x-ray and everything is fine. No broken bone, but quite a few capillars exploded...
His finger will have interesting colors for some days, but will be totally fine:)
Gosh, I am such a sissy when my kids hurt themselves...
lørdag 26. mai 2012
My better half is on the island while me and the kids are "stuck" in icecreamheaven at my parents house;)
I miscalculated the buses this afternoon and had to realize that going home by bus would be a bit to much of an excursion on a late afternoon with two sugarhigh kids... (as they only had 1 icecream each on 17th of May, they had 5 each today, hehe...)
So, status: yummie salad and ciabattas in front of me, russian grandmas in national suits on tv (how cool to have a granny performing in the eurovision though!), and a bowl of chocolate to accompany the voting;)
My favorites in random order:
France (the first song to get my attention after a horrible start of the show)
Ukraine (makes me wanna dance and she has a good voice)
Norway (do I need say more; cute guy and catchy song)
Sweden (but unfortunaltely a quite boring performance)
I miscalculated the buses this afternoon and had to realize that going home by bus would be a bit to much of an excursion on a late afternoon with two sugarhigh kids... (as they only had 1 icecream each on 17th of May, they had 5 each today, hehe...)
So, status: yummie salad and ciabattas in front of me, russian grandmas in national suits on tv (how cool to have a granny performing in the eurovision though!), and a bowl of chocolate to accompany the voting;)
My favorites in random order:
France (the first song to get my attention after a horrible start of the show)
Ukraine (makes me wanna dance and she has a good voice)
Norway (do I need say more; cute guy and catchy song)
Sweden (but unfortunaltely a quite boring performance)
Week 38+6
Yepp, another photo of belly.
Cant really get enough of them.
They are such nice memories for later.
Me and the kiddos are heading to my mother who is "home alone"! My father is fixing a cabin up north, so we will keep her company during the day:)
I guess a lot of icecream is on the agenda!
Salva is going climbing with my mothers former collegue`s husband in Sotra! They will have a superduper day in the sun! Or they might be caught in the middle of the huge forestfire. Luckily Salva is a former firefighter;)
fredag 25. mai 2012
Friday tiredness....
I have had 2 naps today... Well done Heidi:) I need to applaud myself a little bit here! Not often superefficient-Heidi lies down...
Kids have been playing wildly in the kindergarden, outside the whole day, the whole week. Bigger space to move around on, trees to climb (and break! Yeah, Marcus broke a tree there today), a lot of excercise, flowers to pick and give to potential girlfriends (Adrià is Mr.Charming proposing to any girl he sees) and a lot of waterfun.
Coming home today they were both exhausted. Adrià especially... They had their bloodsausage that I promised (they really love that) and a homemade icecream before Adrià was taken by the sleepfairy around 18:30.
This afternoon I have packed the things we need for going to the hospital. Funny how you delay things more and more for every kid you get!
I went to the doctor for the week 39 control today and she believed that we will not meet again before the delivery. That means that petit will be with us within a week! Time will show if she is right;)
Petits head is not fixed... and I have a tendency to break the water as the first thing that happens in my deliveries. Hope it doesnt happen this time as I would like to go to the natural delivery part of the hospital and I am not sure if they will allow me if I break the water first (with Marcus they didnt accept me...).
Probably one of the last preggerphotos of me.
Actually my weight had not changed at all the last week. 66,5 kg is status right now, and that adds 14 kilos to my normal weight. Just perfect.
With Marcus I gained 18, and with Adrià 13. So this is a very similar pregnancy in that way.
Have a nice Friday night everyone!
Early morning and hemp seeds
Mornings everyone!
Our morning started EARLY.
Thats the thing about the Norwegian summer. Hard to fall asleep at night, and waking up with the birds. Luckily we dont need so much sleep in the summertime.
Adrià is anyway happy as can be and we have already prepared the oat porridge. Todays additional extra on the porridge is Hemp seeds.
Supernutritious, containing all the essential aminoacids. In addition it has magnesium, zinc, potassium and iron. I will add a big spoon to my porridge as well.
torsdag 24. mai 2012
We got a cradle
Our baby will have a place to sleep:)
We got to borrow this beautiful Leander cradle from the neighbours!! Its supernice, and can hang as well as stand on the floor.
We havent got a hook in the ceiling yet, so I guess we will basically use it on the floor.
Anyway, we will just use it for a month, then we move to my parents house and live there for the last month before we head for Spain again.
Its so weird, there will be major changes in our lives coming up very soon. Another baby and another big move...
How will it all be?
Hope our baby will be a dream baby; a good sleeper and a good eater;)
Holy.... what a few crappy tomatoes... Ush, no taste, full of water...
I guess, getting used to the cherrytomatos "dulçitas" makes me realize the poor quality of the conventionally grown tomatoes. Pure shit to be honest.
And what about the incagold in the bowl??? Amaranth!
The quinoa's cousin:) More protein than a beef, more calsium than milk and more iron than browncheese!
But did I just buy it and boil it without a plan?
Now what?
How to make something tasty and eatable from it?
And we are having fish on the BBQ today...
I think this pregnancy and the heat is getting to my head. I do strange things.
And this was an even stranger blogpost...
Strange day.
onsdag 23. mai 2012
Well behaved kids!
Very good behaviour from the kids today!
We should have friends over more frequently...
It seems like they behave better when we are more people together.
Then they sit like small princes by the table, say thankyou for the dinner and no fighting between them..
And even better; they respect that mum is having a conversation with another adult and do not interrupt as often any more, jippi!! How we have worked on this!
Some other thing I enjoy a lot when we sit together is their eager of explaining episodes from the kindergarden. Today Marcus explained how he lifted 100 kg (!) of iron in the maritime museum he visited yeasterday, and Adrià was talking about the monkey from Vennebyen that came for a visit in the kindergarden today.
Their participation makes me happy and it pleases me to see that former shyness is getting less and less present.
But my friend was also very inviting to bring them into the conversation and I guess that helped:)
What a nice time we had:)
Now some tv before bedtime-rituals!
(noce to escape from the sun I must admit!!)
Its a shame to complain...
But my superpregger body just dont handle this heat very well...
Djeezes, I am hot, hot, hot.
It feels like we skipped spring and went straight from winter to summer.
I have been in town for hours walking around. It was the opening of the Bergen "Festspill" and a lot of people gathered at Torgalmenningen. Ballons and orchestras.
Normally I would probably think, oh, what a nice atmosphere, but today I just got annoyed because I had to take so many "longcuts" to get around all the people.
Couldnt they just carry me over, those strong policemen?? Be gentlemen??? :)
Somehow I also feel that people laugh and smile at my belly. Its like its to big to be true...Am I just getting paranoid? I so want him to get out now...
I am a bit irritated at myself for having spent so much energy, and now I feel dehydrated and swollen. And NOW starts my afternoon with the kids. Salva is working afternoonshift today and just left the building.
A good friend is coming over though to pick up some babyclothes that I have sorted out for her.
I got so much the other day, so there is plenty to share.
I have made a pasta carbonara that we will have on the terasse!
Crossing my fingers that the small trolls behave nicely, otherwise I will become a monstermum I fear...!
Djeezes, I am hot, hot, hot.
It feels like we skipped spring and went straight from winter to summer.
I have been in town for hours walking around. It was the opening of the Bergen "Festspill" and a lot of people gathered at Torgalmenningen. Ballons and orchestras.
Normally I would probably think, oh, what a nice atmosphere, but today I just got annoyed because I had to take so many "longcuts" to get around all the people.
Couldnt they just carry me over, those strong policemen?? Be gentlemen??? :)
Somehow I also feel that people laugh and smile at my belly. Its like its to big to be true...Am I just getting paranoid? I so want him to get out now...
I am a bit irritated at myself for having spent so much energy, and now I feel dehydrated and swollen. And NOW starts my afternoon with the kids. Salva is working afternoonshift today and just left the building.
A good friend is coming over though to pick up some babyclothes that I have sorted out for her.
I got so much the other day, so there is plenty to share.
I have made a pasta carbonara that we will have on the terasse!
Crossing my fingers that the small trolls behave nicely, otherwise I will become a monstermum I fear...!
mandag 21. mai 2012
To eat outside is a must these days. I will not allow indoor dinners the whole week! Kids loving to stay on the terasse where they have 3 wheel bikes and patinet (sparkesykkel) to play with and burn the leftovers of energy. The neighbours also installed a slide from the terasse and down to the lawn.
How I enjoy these days and the weather.
Marcus told me today he didnt want to go to the kindergarden because they eat so "boring" food there. Always the same bread and the same stuff to put on...
I felt pity for him and made his favourite for dinner; chickpeasoup!
He ate a lot:)
I guess my kids are quite used to a varied diet and different kinds of flavours...
Raw spinach, cottage cheese and ginger are among their most preferred things to eat I would say.
After dinner we took these weird photos looking into the caserole. A bit like going to the funfair and looking at yourself in those mirrors that stretch your body into weird shapes.
Look at Marcus face here, haha! Looking just like an old man trying to hide he doesnt have any teeth left..
søndag 20. mai 2012
There is no place like Norway
Seriously, there is no better place than Norway when the sun is shining:)
Like today!
We are out on the terasse, our landlords are abroad and we pretend to be houseowners! Using all the outer space!
I am just inside for a short moment, making a focacciadough for todays lunch with friends! We will definitely eat outside, johoo!
Ah, right now I am ENJOYING my maternity leave SO much!
Like today!
We are out on the terasse, our landlords are abroad and we pretend to be houseowners! Using all the outer space!
I am just inside for a short moment, making a focacciadough for todays lunch with friends! We will definitely eat outside, johoo!
Ah, right now I am ENJOYING my maternity leave SO much!
lørdag 19. mai 2012
Eight o`clock on the terasse
How lovely with long afternoons and not too bad temperatures even at 8 o´clock in the evening.
They both get their adrenalinkicks when they rush forward on their vehicles.
Marcus is "Il tempo gigante" (Flaaklypa) and Adrià is Lightning McQueen!
(By the way, Adrià keeps saying its the 17th of May... No wonder he wanted to wear this specific t-shirt!!)
Eventhough there are more kids in the neighbourhood, we NEVER see them.
No wonder maybe when our kids are SO Spanish as they are when it comes to bedtimes among other things.
Guess who is watching the Champion Leagues final with their father right now???
NOT kidding.
Lets hope for a sleepy morning tomorrow:)
We went to the free movies!
Did you know that the Bergen public library offers free childrenmovies every Saturday??
They show it on a big screen in a quite big auditorium and you totally get the cinemafeeling.
The first two rows are halfcirclebences and you can get really comfortable there on a day with little people!
You can ofcourse bring your own snack as well. We had homemade buns and some caramels!
The movie of today was Stuart Little. A cute movie about a little rat that gets adopted to this very nice family in NY-city.
Other kids were walking a bit in and out, which is totally accepted as it is a free offer and for kids, but Marcus and Adrià sat like they were chained from the first second.
I must say it was a quite enjoyable film and I didnt fall asleep, eventhough I thought I might...
It was great for me to plan an activity like this today. Yesterdays walk in the forest was maybe a bit exaggerated and I felt very tired afterwards... Especially in the hips. I am not really light these days.
( we were the first ones, more people came after a while. It was a good mix of Norwegians and immigrants. I realize that the way we think and live our life brings us in contact with a lot of international people!)
They show it on a big screen in a quite big auditorium and you totally get the cinemafeeling.
The first two rows are halfcirclebences and you can get really comfortable there on a day with little people!
You can ofcourse bring your own snack as well. We had homemade buns and some caramels!
The movie of today was Stuart Little. A cute movie about a little rat that gets adopted to this very nice family in NY-city.
Other kids were walking a bit in and out, which is totally accepted as it is a free offer and for kids, but Marcus and Adrià sat like they were chained from the first second.
I must say it was a quite enjoyable film and I didnt fall asleep, eventhough I thought I might...
It was great for me to plan an activity like this today. Yesterdays walk in the forest was maybe a bit exaggerated and I felt very tired afterwards... Especially in the hips. I am not really light these days.
( we were the first ones, more people came after a while. It was a good mix of Norwegians and immigrants. I realize that the way we think and live our life brings us in contact with a lot of international people!)
(from yesterday evenings toothbrushingsession)
Good morning Saturday!
Sun is shining in Bergen, guess if we believe we have deserved that?
Kids are making shields out of carton and playing pirates.
I am making buns for todays possible excursion.
Good morning Saturday!
Sun is shining in Bergen, guess if we believe we have deserved that?
Kids are making shields out of carton and playing pirates.
I am making buns for todays possible excursion.
fredag 18. mai 2012
We got some eggs
In the basket of food for the 17th of May-buffet yesterday, were a couple of very special eggs...
They were eggs to put in water (lukewarm) for 12-24 hours.. Then something surprising would happen...
Ah, how to make time pass...
They already waited the whole night...
Come on eggs...
So, whats any better than spending a few hours in a beautiful forest nearby splashing in the waterpools?
And then getting your reward when returning home!!
A "newborn" dinosaur!!
(Adrià lost his egg on the floor and a tiny crocodile was his little surprise!)
A great toy from the Bergen Science center!
The biggest challenge is to teach your kids to have the patience!
But then, when it fianlly happend you should have heard Marcus. So enthusiastic, shouting it out!
Happy friday
Life is back to normal after a very nice 17th of May!
(we had leftovers of sourcreamporridge this morning... feeling pretty full... again!)
We like it best like this!
Kids are off kindergarden today, Salva is back at work and I am playing Dinotopia with my own "homemade" scary dinosaurs!
(Marcus is the maskdesigner!)
(we had leftovers of sourcreamporridge this morning... feeling pretty full... again!)
We like it best like this!
Kids are off kindergarden today, Salva is back at work and I am playing Dinotopia with my own "homemade" scary dinosaurs!
(Marcus is the maskdesigner!)
torsdag 17. mai 2012
The Spanish protector of the Norwegian state.
The Spanish protector of the Norwegian state making a Norwegian wrap of himself.
Haha, he looks sooo proud!
Salva got a good laughter when I told him about the flagrules...
"Flagrules??? Are you kidding???"
(In Spain you would be considered a fascist if you raised a flag in your garden...)
onsdag 16. mai 2012
Prepared for the national day
I think we will never be too found of red days in this family...
Its great to have a day off, but all the dresscode thing is just not us...
I love to wear my national suit, but the kids hate wearing "stiff" clothes. For xmas they wore collegesweaters!! What does it matter anyway...
So, we are just happy that there will be rain tomorrow! That means we can wear whatever we feel like under the rainclothes!! Jippi:)
The flags disappeared in the kindergarden today, so we are happy that the kids already have done the parade there and swang their flags. With the plastictrumpets I bought they will be able to make enough sound though!
The plan for tomorrow is to visit the local school and participate in the celebration there.
Then we will go home to ourselves and have family over for a lovely lunch.
We have made the creamcake, the sourcreamporridge will be made tomorrow, and a lot of other good stuff to for the "buffet".
Looking forward to the eating;)
If we get the chance there will be a friendsmeeting in the afternoon. Depending on miss preggers status tomorrow...
Its great to have a day off, but all the dresscode thing is just not us...
I love to wear my national suit, but the kids hate wearing "stiff" clothes. For xmas they wore collegesweaters!! What does it matter anyway...
So, we are just happy that there will be rain tomorrow! That means we can wear whatever we feel like under the rainclothes!! Jippi:)
The flags disappeared in the kindergarden today, so we are happy that the kids already have done the parade there and swang their flags. With the plastictrumpets I bought they will be able to make enough sound though!
The plan for tomorrow is to visit the local school and participate in the celebration there.
Then we will go home to ourselves and have family over for a lovely lunch.
We have made the creamcake, the sourcreamporridge will be made tomorrow, and a lot of other good stuff to for the "buffet".
Looking forward to the eating;)
If we get the chance there will be a friendsmeeting in the afternoon. Depending on miss preggers status tomorrow...
Our project
Before x-mas I found this fantastic book in Fretex. Its called "Dinotopia" and it is a beautifully illustrated book. Dinotopia is a fictional utopia created by the artist and writer James Gurney. It is the setting for his illustrated book series about an island inhabited by humans and sentient dinosaurs who have formed a complex society.
It shows how people and dinosaurs live together, forming a society where they depend on eachother.
Talking about falling in love with a book and a story...
The other day I bought 27 dinosaurs from a lady on (secondhandmarket).
We are already making our very own Dinotopia here at home with carton boxes, paper, glue and a lot of creativity and enthusiasm.
Yesterday we did the crowning of the king and the queen!
With belcro and small crowns from Panduro we could attach the small crowns on their heads.
The boxhouse we are making is no less than the house where the dinos come to lay their eggs...
(eggklekkeriet). Its very important that its a cosy house with garlands and decoration on the walls!
Looking like something to wear
Wow, its so exciting:)
Its not much left now until I can officially announce my firsts Mariussweater done;)
Hopefully I will be able to use it...
I have made it in size XS.
Maybe arms will need a little enlongment. Time will show. Right now I am just overexcited to see that it is actually turning out to be a sweater, johoo:)
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