lørdag 28. januar 2012


Me and mum took a little look in the second hand shop today.
Its so nostalgic and much fun to go there.

I found this cool "poshy" jacket there...
Should I buy it or not was the big question!

Do you think I bought it???

We had a good laugh as it is SO NOT MY STYLE.

Anyway, we thought of ways to turn it into a disguise for the kids or a pillow....

But probably it would never be done...

So, I left the shop without it, and I dont regret!

mandag 23. januar 2012

today i feel tired and heavy...

not everyday is a day on pink clouds... i feel incredibly heavy and tired, and also lack
of air somehow... its like petit is squeezing my lungs to the
size of raisins and i have to breathe heavily. so i basically stay in the coach with my lovely
kids and we watch tom&jerry; their favorite after scoobydoo!
we've had some gløgg to heat on... its freakin cold now...
17 degrees in banyoles is what they can look forward too:) lucky

søndag 22. januar 2012

We found snow

Did I tell you we got a virus on the computer???
It sucks....

That means; no internet, no music, no phonecalls to Spain...
We are so depending on our computer.

Well, Salva and the boys are travelling to Spain on tuesday and will bring the computer to the doctor there.
Hopefully it will be healthy again;)

Today Salva, Marcus and me had a wonderful morning in the snow just outside Bergen.
We had so much fun skiing and sledging.
It was about 5 years ago since I had my fisherskis on my feet. It was a great feeling to air them again:)

Adria was home with my parents. He has been poor since monday... Fever, diarea, cough...
Poor little thing. I am sure the Spanish sun will help him recover. I still have to wait another twelve days to reach southern latitude.

Well, these days when I am on my own I will start knitting a Marius sweater for myself. Cant wait to start:)

tirsdag 17. januar 2012


we are home today, me and adria. he has high fever and generally low. he acted really weird during the night, shouting and spinning around in the bed complaining over footpain... some kind of fevercramps? i took him to the doctor and it seems to be a non bacterial infection, but his fever was measured to 40...
i always freak out at high fever.
so, we are here in the sofa watching t v and trying to recover. i am not used to see my super
healthy kids like this, but it makes them stronger to have an infecfion now and then...

onsdag 11. januar 2012

Me and Adrià.

Adrià and I had a little date today. I had a day off and he needed a new passport for our travel to Spain in the end of the month.
As in the "old days" we took a visit to the open kindergarden we used to visit so much a year ago. It s such a nice place and the staff is so lovely.
We had a great time learning new songs, eating well (A had 4 knekkebröd with macrell)
and socializing with new people.

Afterwards we had a cinnamonroll in "godt bröd"... those are so good.

I loved having some time alone with him... I wish we were better at doing that more often. I see how they fight between them to get our attention sometimes. It must have been a relief to have me totally by himself the whole day.

torsdag 5. januar 2012


Morning everyone!

And thanks for all the nice greetings considering our babyboy:)

Its the day before our big party and I have been shopping pink dragwig for our model...! haha.
Of course I will keep it for myself later!

You ask me about how I feel? I feel great, better than ever:) My pregnancies have always been a nice experience for me, and especially the second trimester. Not too big, not too heavy, full of energy and positivness. I know that there will come heavier moments;)

The kids were happy about the news and Marcus wanted to study the photos closely. We talked about how the baby can live inside the belly, how it gets food and how it drinks and pees.
He found it funny:)

Still I have only received nice feedback on the fact that we are having another boy! But I assume some will tell me "oh, another boy...?!
I find it just great that they will be three of the same sex. They will share so much between them. And petit will inherit toys and clothes from the older brothers. What a saving as well;)

Hope you are having a nice thursday!

I am waiting for my charityburger in Cafe Magdalena. A place run by Kirkens Bymisjon. Nice atmosphere and sweet people working here. A good place to support.

onsdag 4. januar 2012

Ultrasound news!!

So, finally! Today was time for our first (and last I guess) ultrasound!!
We both had a dream last night that we would have a girl.
I can only say that our dreams didnt come true...
We are having our third BOY!!!!!!

Holy.... This can be a lot of fun:)
I imagine the three of them best friends:)
He was so cute and Perfect!! I had a tear in my eye all the time, smiling from ear to ear.
Life is fantastic.

I thought he could just come out already, he looked so ready. And he gave us a little show as well, kicking like crazy.

Marcus was really happy to hear that it was a boy. Those were his last words yesterday as he went to bed: "I hope its a boy".

Well, I am so pleased to know that everything is fine with little raisin.

Now, I can go on planning this weekends party with 150 kollegues, where I am one of four partyplanners;)
There will be a fashionshow with transformed laboratoryclothes... interersting:)
Our man will be dressed as a transvestite, haha!


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