onsdag 11. januar 2012

Me and Adrià.

Adrià and I had a little date today. I had a day off and he needed a new passport for our travel to Spain in the end of the month.
As in the "old days" we took a visit to the open kindergarden we used to visit so much a year ago. It s such a nice place and the staff is so lovely.
We had a great time learning new songs, eating well (A had 4 knekkebröd with macrell)
and socializing with new people.

Afterwards we had a cinnamonroll in "godt bröd"... those are so good.

I loved having some time alone with him... I wish we were better at doing that more often. I see how they fight between them to get our attention sometimes. It must have been a relief to have me totally by himself the whole day.

1 kommentar:

Vigdis sa...

Så koselig det høres ut :)
Her er det ingen "åpen barnehage". Men i dag fikk vi brev fra kommunen om at vi endelig har fått plass i den barnehagen vi ønsket... Det betyr 50 min mindre kjøring. Hver dag! Lykke...


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