mandag 9. april 2012

Easter highlights

Some information to the photos:
It IS important  to look good on your hair for Easter. Luckily grandma had left some of her hairrolls!
Berries are best when they are frozen.
Marcus held a lamb for the first time in his life and was very clever!
The easterhare were nice to the boys and left some goodies in the bushes.
Fun to try a tractor for real!

We have had a great Easter. Some nice weather and great skiing conditions. Both in Aurland and Myrkdalen. Wow, I wish I could do some k's..., but this is not my moment...
I did some sledging with the boys and actually they thought it was fun to RUN after me down the hills. Some people looking strangly at us thinking what a horrible mum I had to be to NOT let my kids sledge...! Haha:)

Combined with snowactivities we have also spent time at my cousins farm flirting with his scottish highland cows and the gorgeous little lambs.
His little 5 year old will take over the farm later (we believe!) and our boys will have to help him out whenever they come on vacation! So  they better get used to animals, shitsmell and tractordriving straight away. And the kids love it ofcourse.

1 kommentar:

Inger-Lise sa...

Så fine bilder. Utrolig vakkert i Aurland. Jeg har vært der en gang for maaange årsiden og gått Aurlandsdalen. Og jeg husker det som utrolig vakkert der! :)
Høres ut som dere har hatt en kjempefin påske. Gøy med litt gårdsdyr og møkkalukt. :)
Ha en finfin onsdag.


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